Kia ora, Aotearoa! Nau mai ki te pae tukutuku o Aotearoa Reorua.

Hi, New Zealand! Welcome to the Aotearoa Reorua website.


E kaha akiaki nei a Aotearoa Reorua kia reorua ngā tāone huri noa i Aotearoa. Ko tā ngā kaunihera me ngā mana whenua o tēnā takiwā, o tēnā whaitua he mahitahi kia whanakehia tētahi rautaki reorua hei whai mā tēnā, mā tēnā, e maha ake ai ngā wāhi e kōrerohia ai, e rangona ai, e whakanuia hoki ai te reo Māori me te reo Pākehā.
Kua whakaaweawehia a Aotearoa e te hongi. Kia hongi tātou, koia tērā ko 'Te Hā Ora', ka mutu, kia hono tahi te reo Pākehā me te reo Māori, mā reira e mōhio ake ai tātou ki a tātou anō he hoa noho ki Aotearoa nei.
Aotearoa Reorua supports towns and cities across New Zealand to become bilingual centres. Councils and their mana whenua partners come together to develop a bilingual strategy for their centre and to create more spaces, places and opportunities where te reo Māori is seen, heard and celebrated alongside the English language.
Aotearoa Reorua is inspired by the hongi. When we hongi we share 'Te Hā Ora - The Breath of Life', and when the English language and te reo Māori come together, we get to know each other better as New Zealanders.


He ahurei te reo Māori i Aotearoa. Nō tātou tēnei taonga, ā, kia kōrerotia te reo Māori me te reo Pākehā ka kitea te āhuatanga e rerekē ai tātou i te ao whānui. Ka whai wāhi a Aotearoa Reorua ki tēnei kaupapa - e tautoko nei i ngā hapori kia reorua pēnei i ngā pūtahi 'tuākana'; i a Ōtaki, i a Rotorua me Te Wairoa, pēnei hoki i te pūtahi 'teina' hou, i a Murupara.


Te reo Māori is unique to NZ. It’s a taonga that belongs to all of us – and its use alongside English sets us apart from the rest of the world. Aotearoa Reorua leans into this space, supporting communities to become bilingual just like the first Aotearoa Reorua 'tuākana' centres; Ōtaki, Rotorua and Te Wairoa, and our newest 'teina' centre, Murupara
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E mihia nei, e whāia nei hoki e Aotearoa Reorua te ngākaunui o te hunga pīkoko; ākonga mai, kaiako mai, kaihāpai mai, rangatira mai, otirā te hunga e kaha ana ki te whakaora te reo Māori e hau ai tōna rongo i ngā tāone iti, i ngā tāone nui, otirā huri noa i Aotearoa.
Aotearoa Reorua acknowledges and aims to build on the remarkable efforts of the many people; learners, teachers, advocates and community leaders, who champion te reo Māori by ensuring it continues to shine brightly in our towns, cities and places all over Aotearoa New Zealand.

Te Ara WhakamuaThe Pathway Forward

E mōhio noa ai koe mehemea āe rānei e taea ana e tō pūtahi te whai tēnei huarahi, ā kāti, whāia noatia tā Aotearoa Reorua hātepe i mua i te tono eke noa.
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To help determine if your centre is in a position to join the programme please check out the Aotearoa Reorua Steps to make this happen before submitting an expression of interest.

Ngā TīwhiriTips and hints

Ahakoa te hāngaitanga o tēnei pae tukutuku ki ngā tāone e hiahia ana ki te whai i te kaupapa reorua nei i raro i a Aotearoa Reorua, arā tonu te hirahiratanga o tā te takitahi, o tā te rōpū, o tā te pakihi hoki whakatairanga i te reo Māori me te reoruatanga. Nō reira, kua tāpirihia ētehi tīwhiri me ētehi hononga ipurangi hei whai mā te hunga e hiahia ana ki te whakatū wāhi reorua.
Although this website is primarily for towns and cities interested in becoming reorua centres with Aotearoa Reorua, we know how important individuals, organisations and businesses are in championing te reo Māori and bilingualism. So, we've added a few tips and links for those wanting to create their own bilingual spaces.